Here are a few things to know before we meet for your appointment.
What is our booking policy?
-We require a valid credit or debit card at the time of booking to make your appointment, but you will not be charged at that time.
-You must cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours prior to your appointment or you will be charged the appropriate fee. No call, no show appointments & late cancellations will be charged 50% of the service price.
-There is a 15 minute grace period for appointments that are 20 minutes or longer. Appointments that are less than 20 minutes have a 5 minute grace period. After the allotted grace period, your appointment will be canceled & the proper fee will be applied.
-We reserve the right to cancel/reschedule an appointment if you are showing symptoms & signs of illness on arrival.
How long should you wait between waxes?
-Your hair needs to be longer than a grain of rice, so you're recommended to have 3-4 weeks of uninterrupted hair growth when you visit us. Do not shave or trim your hair prior to your appointment. If it is necessary, your wax tech will do it for you. Face & underarm waxes can stick to a 2-3 week timeline, depending on your rate of hair growth.​
How often can you get a facial?
-The general recommendation is to get a facial every 4-6 weeks or once a month. Once per month is also the ideal time frame because our skin cell turnover cycle is 28 days long. Also, your skin is doing different things depending on the season & depending on your lifestyle, so having a monthly check-in with a professional ensures you are getting the best treatment. ​